Next Adventure

Been a while. Been busy. 

Have you noticed my new work? My new second instagram page: @pastecheckered

I have been wondering and maybe you have. What’s up with the fiber person. 

Why paper now?

I collect vintage, new, used, handmade, painted, stained papers.  Tear them up, make live edges. Sort them by type, size and color and set to work. My paper studio is ever evolving to cater to these needs.

Why, when my desire for so many years has been to make fiber?

I continue to collect fiber from various breeds of animals, wilder the better. Then to find, dye my colors and handspin, creating baskets of yarn... sorting by type, size and color. Ready to choose at my whim…to crochet or weave. 

Is the paper work merely sketching for the fiber work?

The process is the same.  In the paper studio I find myself more freely moving shapes and color. I watch lines appear. Rhythms flow. And then I have new eyes and excitement when I have the wheel or hook or shuttle in my hands. Ideas flow. 


What? Me worry?
Paper and Fiber are so united in the grand plan. 

Stay tuned.

Welcome to my new adventure


Lucy Hocking

So happy to see your new adventure! I recall your interest in period papers, etc. I’m so glad to learn of your ongoing endeavors, Kate! Lucy


Cannot wait to watch this adventure unfold!!


Lovely Kate. Great photos and content, thanks for sharing your work and yourself. Lotsa love.

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